the background is a shot of my backyard. which looks like Revendell right now.
the semi-regular postings of a music/yarn/knitting/jewelry/paint/fabric-addicted artist who is lousy at sports. oh, and I'm also a bit of a geek.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
back to basics gloves
the background is a shot of my backyard. which looks like Revendell right now.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
1. I absolutely love this time of year. I used to say spring and fall were my favorite times of the year, but the more I think about it, nope. fall is my favorite. it's the time of year I'm generally happiest. there's the whole lead up to Christmas (my favorite holiday), and all of the goodies that come with that. I'm generally a happier person in the fall. love (13851335192353154354)
2. I took in three inches on a favorite pair of pants last week because I didn't want to go shopping for new jeans yet, and they were literally falling off. I'm not kidding. I'm also eating amazing chocolate, butter, greek salads, berries galore, steak, and as much other fabulous food as I want. no drugs, not crazy boot camps, and I'm going to have to suck it up and buy some new jeans in about a week.
3. the move is absolutely going to happen. when? still not entirely sure, but it's coming, and very soon.
4. things are better for me around here than they had been. I found an amazing church with people my age and I love it there. it's great to walk away challenged and encouraged and feeling like you fit. love that. missed that. a lot. I've also been teaching part time at the LYS (Local Yarn Store) and that is awesome. it's a second home there, and I don't know what I would have done without it these last couple of years.
5. it's just over two weeks until Twilight opens, and I'm so excited. I just downloaded the soundtrack off iTunes this morning and it's awesome. but how could a new MuteMath or Paramore be a bad thing? love (16513654365436843)
6. if you don't get the love (1.......), then you're not on Ravelry. or not enough anyway.
that's enough for now . . . more to talk about later . . .
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
We're staying in Baton Rouge at the Tracy Center.
There are some folks from Catholic Charities who just rolled in and are getting things together.
When I left New Orleans last night, traffic to BR was OK.
During the night, I've heard it took some folks many, many hours to get anywhere to the East.
But the interstate looks to be flowing rather smoothly through here.
What I've seen on the news suggests all roads out of NOLA are clear or are becoming so.
This may have something to do with the fact that we've evacuated 95 percent of the population of the coastal parishes since I have no evidence to back that up but word of mouth and what I'm reading on the internet. Friday. The Times - Picayune is reporting 1.
1 million have now evacuated the coast to areas north of I-10 and I-12.
That is a very, very good thing.
Now the real waiting begins.
Waiting to see what friends
As if we haven't done enough of that already. Waiting for the storm to turn. and family are doing and where they are going. Waiting in traffic. Watching as the storm pummeled Haiti and Jamaica and Cuba and knowing what may be in store for us.
Wishing it would just go away and not hurt anyone else. Waiting in line at the grocery store.
Hoping it is not our turn.
Seeing the green and yellow rain bands coming into the Weather Channel's radar sweep, and waiting for them to start rolling
over our own zipcode. And the waiting is terrible.
Everything is closed in this part of Baton Rouge, so I don't have the distractionsof being out and about.
Not that any sane person would be out and about right now, but I like having the option.
I'd love to take a nap.
I'm exhausted and sore and didn't sleep well last night.
I've had that bitter taste of adrenaline in my mouth for about 18 hours now.
Or that may be the coffee and cigarettes mixing together because I forgot to brush my teeth before I went to bed last night. Whatever it is, I can't get rid of it.
I feel like I used to back in Athens after an all nighter.
Went to mass at noon. Prayed.
Once you're done petitioning the
Thanks to everyone out there praying for New Orleans and South Louisiana. Almighty, please remember that we've got a lot of evacuees out there. Some may have come your way.
Drop off a canned good or something at the local shelter.
I know you've got something in the cabinet you aren't going to eat. And some Crystal hot sauce.
Everything tastes better with a little hot sauce.
I've gotten so many texts and calls and voicemails today I feel like one of the cool kids. That reminds me, I need to charge the phone up. Power won't last too long once things really get going, so the phone and the computer will need to be charged.
Cell towers will probably be down for some hours, so if you call and don't hear back don't worry until Wednesday.
Yup. I'll try and be back later with updates.
Monday, August 25, 2008
let them eat cake
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Ireland . . . day 4
the castle is completely restored, and beautifully so. they don't allow photographs inside the castle, so the only ones I took were around the outside, and from the village bridge. the castle was fantastic - thick stone walls, tiny winding stairs, and grand staircases. the collection of landscape oils in the main drawing room reminded me of the American Art course I took back in college.
after the tour of the castle, mom and I walked through town and hiked (not kidding, it was a hike) up to St. Canice's Cathedral. besides St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, this was probably my favorite of the churches and cathedrals that we visited. the wooden roof is a restoration, and was carved and built without even a single nail. Bill was allowed to play the organ in this cathedral as well.
after the group gathered at the bus, we loaded up and headed for the town of Waterford, where we were staying for the next few days. Days Inn Waterford is actually three (maybe four now?) old buildings linked by enclosed hallways. it's a little odd, and if you ever stay there make sure you shower later in the day or at 6am, otherwise the hot water might run out on you. other than that the hotel looks very modern, and the pub downstairs is great for meeting some of the locals. later we headed out to dinner at a pub a few blocks over.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ireland . . . day 3
after and early breakfast at the hotel we climbed onto the bus at 9am to head for a day in the
Powerscourt was once a huge estate with a vast Art collection. in the 1970s a fire started in the mansion which destroyed everything but the stones. three months later the stone walls were still too hot to touch. sadly, the insurance on the estate was not sufficient to cover the damages, and the home and grounds were sold. eventually the first floor was restored, and is now part of the visitors center. the grounds and extensive gardens are now open to the public.
walking down the stairs that lead to the pond is like walking though a movie. if that wasn't enough the view from the stairs is incredible. it looks over the valley and mountains. truly spectacular. of course I had to see the Japanese gardens. they were full of little streams and nooks and even a grotto. standing in the grotto was like shutting out the world while standing under an open sky. all you can hear is the water dripping through the moss and ferns that cover the rocky walls. just you and the moment. it wonderful and very very strange at the same time. we came out of that garden and walked back up to the pond, where a mother duck was guiding her ducklings through the water. they almost disappeared against the water plants that covered the surface of the pond. we then climbed the path that led past the pet cemetery and up to the kitchen gardens. those gardens were once walled to protect the food, so of course the gates were gilded . . . yes, the gates were accented with gold. now it's a lush flower garden full of poppies and tulips and such. there's a fountain with a mermaid as well. after the garden we headed inside and grabbed a bite to eat. the little cafe had the best lemon curd tart I've ever tasted . . . so now I have another recipe to work on. no complaints about that of course. after wandering around the shops for a bit we got back onto the tour bus and headed to Glendalough.
Glendalough is home to a monastic site dating back to the 6th century. it was founded by St. Kevin. the site is now in ruins, but the stone chapel with its stone roof still remains. we actually were asked to sing inside of the tiny chapel, which is closed except to tours. it's in a beautiful little valley, located between two lakes.
after a day of hiking up and down hills we headed back to
Ireland . . . day 2
St. Patrick's Cathedral in
my favorite photo at St. Patrick's was one that I took from behind the altar. there is a space behind where the choir rehearses before the concerts and services. sort of a backstage area that is only separated by half-walls and wrought iron gates.
Melody and I stayed long enough to take some pictures of the concert, and then headed out to explore more of
Gogarty's Pub is in the heart of
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ireland . . . day 1
we were met by Andy, our tour guide for the week outside of baggage claim, and then all fifty of us followed him to the bus to load up for a tour of Dublin. part of the tour took us through Phoenix Park, where the residences of the Irish president and the American ambassador are located.
eventually we stopped outside of
after Trinity college, we piled back on the bus, and met John, our driver for the week. more on John later . . .
John drove us to Jurys Inn which is in downtown
around four we headed over to the Brazen Head Pub,
the concert was a joint affair with the Dun Laohghaire Choir at the
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm also coming to what looks like the end of a very hard, very dark chapter of my life. at least I have PLENTY of material to mine for songs, right? lately it feels like when I take one step froward there's a wave waiting to slam me five feet back. well, the wave can try all it wants . . . I'm not giving it an inch. not a chance. it's exhausting, sure - but you fight anyway. I am truly blessed to have some amazing friends in my life. ones who call when they know things are bad, and we pray for each other all the time. because we all have to deal with something. we all make mistakes, and we all have days when everything hurts. then you wake up the next morning and the day couldn't be more beautiful. there's a saying around here . . . "feelings are like the weather in Georgia, wait a minute and they'll change." there are good times and bad times, and that's just the way of it. you savor the good, the wonderful and remember that the bad will be over soon.
Friday, May 09, 2008
so many things
I don't know what is going to happen when I do move. if I have to get a desk job, even for a while, I'll do it. even if no one ever hears a song I write, or falls in love with any of my work, I'll still do it. it's just part of who I am and I'm a mess when it's not a part of my day-to-day. art is something I do, and music is like breathing. they've been there as far back as I can remember. no idea why piano recitals had me in tears the night before as a child and singing was so much fun, but that's how it always was.
for now I'm working and fighting as hard as I can to make these things happen. if one of my friends needs to talk, then the torch and the palette can wait. plus I can usually be found online during office hours.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
so as life goes on you learn more about yourself and how you work (hopefully). I've found that if I'm in a funk, or depressed, or whatever, and I haven't been in my studio or at the piano then that's probably why. I just don't function well for very long if I'm not creating something. I'd had conversations about this with several other creatively-minded friends about this as well. take last night for example - I'd been out of town a few days earlier, hadn't slept a whole lot, and had picked up my guitar maybe once in the last week. I was rather out of sorts. so I worked on a piece I've been composing and then headed downstairs to work on a series I came up with (@ Fido's, btw . . . it's my Blue Sky in Nashville). the new pieces will be finished tonight, and then posted over at Etsy tomorrow. anyway this morning I woke up relaxed, happy, and motivated to get to the next project.
now if I can stop running to the piano every time I run out of chords that I know on the fret board, maybe I'd learn to play my guitar a little better . . .
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
there is always someone
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
back in Georgia
oh, and I'm flying to Ireland on the 17th . . .
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
last weekend . . .
saturday began the baby shower WEEKEND. two baby showers in one weekend! now this could make some women (like me) go a little nuts. I mean, there's only so much pastel icing and rubber duckies that a gal can take. unless of course one of the showers includes wings and beer and a rock band. Wild Wing made an EXCELLENT baby shower location. props to Alex for throwing that one. now, the one sunday was good too. the game wasn't too bad (I won, thankyouverymuch), and Ginger did a lovely job throwing the shower. but still . . . the hot wing buffet was pretty awesome.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
nice cut
but anyway, that was my night . . .
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
day ??
here are pics of the babies:

Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
monday morning update
the babies started opening their eyes saturday morning. they still sleep all the time, but they're starting to explore a little. it's cute how they lurch forward on their little wobbly legs. pretty soon they'll be all over the place. I'll take some new pictures soon and post them.
right now I think I have a cold.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
lots of the rescued bunnies have found new homes. however . . . one had babies. they're a week old today, so here are some pics:

Thursday, March 06, 2008
stuck on my playlist
check him out . . .
Monday, March 03, 2008
safe and sound

some of the rabbits are ready to go to new homes now, but some are in need of a little tlc, and maybe even a nursery. in a month we'll know for sure if any of the does are going to have a litter. for the most part though, the rabbits are very healthy. only two of them I'm concerned about, so they'll stay with me until they've recuperated. overall they're also much sweeter than I was afraid they'd be - just a little on the shy side for now.
we're looking for good homes, and I'm working on what questions I'll be asking for the screening process. the big thing with that is, we want people who will actually commit to taking care of the rabbits. I also want to make sure the rabbit is a good match. "Bear" is one of the larger rabbits, so he needs more space than one of the smaller Rex rabbits. so far two of the local papers are going to run ads, so hopefully more of the rabbits will have new homes soon.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
moar humorous pics
thank you very much.
Friday, February 15, 2008
thank you to everyone who has been praying!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
sunday morning
or had it together anyway.
since we've been in the new building, there is a period of time before the morning service when we have open worship & prayer time. the songs are a little softer, and if you want to talk you can step out into the cafe area and find a table. well, as soon as I walked into the sanctuary the waterworks started. but that's the thing about our church - it isn't the place where you have to try to save face by pulling it all together or acting the part, it's the place where we all come and love each other when we're a mess and life hurts. it didn't used to be so much. then years ago this pastor came in and God gave him a vision of what we wanted from that church. he got a lot of grief for that. people got mad, people left. why? because people who looked different started showing up and getting their lives changed. some guy with dreads would be sitting next to some guy in a business suit. Chinese students who barely spoke English would fill rows and anyone could walk in wearing jeans and a t-shirt. interracial families came in and joined the church. I sometimes forget that this still isn't normal.
when contact shakes you out of your supposed composure and lets you work through your hurt into healing, that's love and friendship, and most of all that's God showing us just a little of how much He loves us.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
please pray
thank you.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
(no, I didn't have a "case of the Monday's")
people who have their numbers blocked
just sayin'.
Monday, February 04, 2008
I am not happy about Valentine's Day.
whether by coincidence or not, Valentines Day and I have had a very bad history. something goes wrong, something that usually has absolutely nothing to do with pink & red hearts, flowers, or chocolate. things like a four and a half hour drive taking seven. so from about the time they start covering the shelves in merchandise to Feb 14th, all of this red and pink kinda puts me in a funk. I have nothing against the holiday, or the sweethearts, or any of it. it's a really sweet little day. or I'd really like to think so anyway.
I just really wish it was the 15th already.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
knitting update
socks, socks, and more socks . . .
I learned toe up on circulars (oh GASP, the audacity! according to some) and I love it! it's personal preference, but I like a smooth toe. I just do. also, not so fond of pattern going down the back of my heal. nothing against it in general, but just not a favorite on socks that I wear. so to each their own, but I like the short-row heel for this reason. I also tend to go for thicker socks, like this pair that I made for my dad as a Christmas present:
there was also a second pair of socks that I made for dad's Christmas present - also a simple toe-up pattern with ribbing up the cuff. did I mention that ribbing isn't my favorite thing? I must have forgotten when I planned these.
I'll update you more in the next few days, but for now I've got to get back to setting up my metalsmithing bench again.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Birds 2
as I've probably mentioned before, I have a pair of lovebirds ("lovies" as they're called in some circles), which are by nature little feathered clowns. if they will stay still for long enough, I might post a decent picture of them sometime. however, Bitty is alarmed by most anything inanimate that is brought near him, and flies away with a high-pitched call of alarm. Pip is quite the opposite. well, over the weekend I had the lovies out quite a bit to play - Bitty seems to think he is actually a help when hanging up clothes for some reason. well, Bella (the cat) decided to observe. she's learned that the birds are off limits (although she still isn't left alone with them), and after dragging a cage over on top of herself once, she doesn't bother that either. well, the birds aren't so passive. they decided to fly down to where Bella was curled up and began chewing on her. ears, whiskers, fur - it was all fair game. almost immediately Bella tried to get away from her feathered terrors, so I stepped in, but it was still quite a sight.
the lovies seemed to wonder why their "toy" had been taken away.
I also cleaned cleaned cleaned, cleared out more things I don't need, clothes I NEVER wear, etc. I'm trying to avoid a major purge cleaning, because I usually end up throwing out things that I really need to keep, and that's no good. I also needed to clear some space for the new tumbler that I ordered last week. I had been putting off making any chain (jewelry) because polishing without a tumbler is at the very least problematic, and at the worst at the cost of one's limbs (literally). seeing as I like my hands attached to my body, I needed a tumbler.
oh . . . it snowed over the weekend, only none of it stuck. however, several Georgia reservoirs are back up to normal winter levels, and some are even at regular normal levels.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
what happend?
at least it's January and we have time for more. last year there wasn't ANY.
oh, and there were predictions of a warm, dry winter . . . HA!
Monday, January 14, 2008
new year, new things
I've been looking at tumblers lately (for jewelry polishing), and I think I'm going to order one by the end of this week. it's all part of the "get-the-business-full-time" plan. and I found a non-toxic acid pickle solution (for cleaning metal). score!
more new stuff happening, so more later . . .