Another professor (if you can call her that) has added to my increasing distrust of our educational system. Now don't get me wrong, I have had some amazing teachers and professors. However, my current Art History professor is NOT one of these.
To begin, why bother coming to class when the lectures are taken VERBATIM from the course textbook. Sure, she shuffles around a few terms, but it's all there in the text. She has yet to even reference anything other than "Hart." Also, anytime a question is asked regarding topics not included in the text, the answer is either "because it is," or a scolding glare. I'm sorry, but have you read anything else, woman? Apparently not.
Exam essays are another thing. She expects everyone in the class to come up with the specific thesis topic that she alone came up with. okaaayyyy. (Can we say ego-trip here? anyone?) Compare and contrast essays in Art History exams are pretty much standard, but this professor is demanding mini-me-esque thesis topics followed by "pretty much any form" of support for it. So as long as we come up with her view, nothing else matters. What happened to learning how see Art? Oh, and I must mention her rant on how we should all know how to write a thesis. There's not a freshmen in the room people, and she talks to us like 5 year olds one minute, and grad students the next. There ARE a few grad students in the class.
Also, one must beware one's questions. If she doesn't know the answer (from Hart) or she doesn't agree with the viewpoint. Duck . . . fast.
I want my tuition money back! Second to that though, would be seeing Dr. Simon kick the crap out of this woman.
At least the summer is going by quickly.